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About the pelvic floor muscle troubles of postpartum mother

 Date:2021-09-09 17:45:32

Have you noticed that urine leakage occurs when laughing, coughing, sneezing, or running and jumping? Many mothers seem to have this experience. Although it is very embarrassing, many people think that this is a normal postpartum phenomenon. In fact, postpartum urinary incontinence is a manifestation of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. In addition to urinary incontinence, pelvic floor muscle relaxation can also cause many health risks, which seriously affects women's quality of life.

Problems caused by pelvic floor dysfunction

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

Specific symptoms: In the case of coughing, sneezing, squatting, running and jumping, laughter, etc., which lead to increased abdominal pressure, the symptoms of urine overflowing from the urethra involuntarily. Stress urinary incontinence leaks a small amount of urine and it is the most common.

Urge urinary incontinence (UUI)

Specific symptoms: Sudden desire to urinate, urine leakage caused by too late to go to the toilet, which is usually caused by involuntary contraction of the bladder muscles. Therefore, urge incontinence is sometimes called overactive bladder or detrusor instability.

Pelvic organ prolapse

Specific symptoms: loose vaginal wall, swelling, vaginal opening not closed.
After the first vaginal delivery, approximately 52% of women have varying degrees of prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall.

Chronic pelvic pain

Specific symptoms: constant, slight, intermittent pain under the belly button.

pelvic floor muscle

Pregnancy and childbirth will cause a certain degree of damage to the pelvic floor muscles. The main goal of pelvic floor rehabilitation is to restore pelvic floor muscle contraction and prevent and repair female pelvic floor dysfunction diseases (PFD). Strictly speaking, all postpartum women, regardless of whether it is a normal delivery or a caesarean section, should undergo pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation training.

Grasp the postpartum pelvic floor muscle repair golden period

Postpartum pelvic floor function test, assessment and rehabilitation generally 6 weeks after childbirth, after the lochia is clean. It is the golden period of pelvic floor muscle recovery within half a year after childbirth. According to research, there is a good correlation between postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction and the number of deliveries. Take the incidence of postpartum pelvic floor organ prolapse,and the incidence of one- child mother is 12.8%. The rate for second-child mother is 18.4%, and the rate for three-child mother is 24.6%.

Pelvic floor muscle screening and rehabilitation do not wait until after the second child is born. Early discovery, timely intervention, scientific rehabilitation do less damage to the influence of pelvic myopathy at later period. Moreover, most of the damaged pelvic substrate muscle film , and the nerve damage cannot be self-healing, and it is necessary to get rehabilitation after professional repair of pelvic floor muscle.

At present, widely used and effective pelvic floor rehabilitation is biofeedback electrical stimulation therapy. It uses modern science and technology to convert unconscious biological signals, such as myoelectricity, brain electricity, skin temperature, heart rate, etc., into visual and auditory signals that can be perceived, allowing patients to feedback through sound and visual images stimulating the brain to regulate the body, understand the activity state of one's own pelvic floor muscles, so as to learn to control consciously to achieve the effect of improving the state of pelvic floor muscles. It is characterized by strong pertinence, green, no damage, and painless, and is currently widely used in clinical practice.

Heal Force HF3000 Biological EMG Feedback Apparatus

Postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation emphasizes that pelvic floor rehabilitation should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor. Before, during and after pelvic floor rehabilitation, the rehabilitation plan should be adjusted in time according to the recovery of the maternal pelvic floor function. In addition to pelvic floor rehabilitation. Women who have given birth should also pay attention to weight control, avoid long-term weight-bearing, have a reasonable and healthy diet, and scientifically carry out vaginal dumbbells, Kegel exercises and abdominal breathing and other family training during daily life.Believe that perseverance will return you a healthy body.

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